Merchant Cash Advance
Improve Your Business With a Merchant Cash Advance
Flipside Capital has financial experts who are waiting to help you improve business with a merchant cash advance. With this program, we will advance you the cash you need for any merchant accounts up to a maximum of $200,000. Do you own more than one location? We’ll match the deal for each one. Whether you accept American Express cards, Discover, Visa or MasterCard, you can use the funds against any sales, and you often receive the money you need in as little as one week.
The Advantages of a Cash Advance
Taking advantage of a cash advance isn’t hard when you understand the benefits you’ll experience. They include:
- No lost equity
- No fixed payments
- Easy payback
- No closing costs
- No application fees
- Simple qualification
After you receive the funds, the choice is yours in how to use them. Consider expanding your building. Improve the amount of inventory you have on hand. Create the advertising campaign you have always dreamed of. Whatever you need, you can gain it through a merchant advance.
Apply Today
To apply for a merchant cash advance or to learn more about the benefits, contact Flipside Capital today. With a free, no-obligation assessment, we can show you how easy it is to afford staying in business.